Beauty & Aesthetics Clinic Plymouth

EMS Bodysculpting


EMS bodysculpting is one of the latest body sculpting treatments that tones and lifts muscles without surgery. The procedure is effective in getting rid of fat, toning abdominal muscles and creating a shapely appearance.

We’re proud to offer EMS bodysculpting in Plymouth because it does wonders for tummy flattening, defining abs, minimising abdominal separation caused by pregnancy and fat burning.

The muscles contract beyond what you can attain via physical training, enhancing both fat metabolism and muscle tone. Feel free to give us a call today to discuss this treatment further or arrange a quotation.


EMS bodysculpting is an up and coming energy-based technology that builds up muscle and burns fat in a short space of time. This is achieved through the use of a unique electromagnetic field. This field moves through the epidermis to target muscle tissue and eliminate excess fat in one go.

Surgical treatments often cause significant discomfort, resulting in negative side effects that can lead to downtime. As a non-invasive procedure, EMS bodysculpting allows you to resume exercising right away, demands no after care and does not cause swelling.

You can get back to the gym, tan and return to your office or place of work! Plus, you can expect to see a difference in your appearance immediately after the treatment, and further improvement over the following days.


EMS bodysculpting induces powerful (supramaximal) muscle contractions, which cannot be achieved purely by exercising. When exposed to these powerful contractions, the muscle has no choice but to adapt to this strong catalyst.

The muscle tissue then commences to remodel its internal structure through increasing and expanding muscle fibres, resulting in higher muscle volume and density. EMS bodysculpting is favoured by many to heighten ab definition, as well as lift, fill and firm buttocks.

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